High precision & accuracy Liquids, gas, cryogenic & Sanitary

Turbine flow meters measure the velocity of liquids, gases, and cryogenic fluids. Typical fluids and gases measured with turbine meters include hydrocarbons, chemicals, water, cryogenic liquids, air, natural gas, and industrial gases. Features include dynamic response time, wide flow range capability, and the ability to customize the turbine flow meter for a specific flow application. The turbine advantage may be defined as the unique blend of desirable attributes peculiar to the Hoffer type turbine flowmeter resulting in a transducer with the ability to measure wide flow ranges with outstanding accuracy, at low cost, with a convenient pulse output.

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The K-Factor is the number of output pulses the flowmeter produces per engineering unit of volume thru-put. The Linear Range is that flow range over which the K-Factor is constant within the specified limits of linearity. Linearity is a measure of the accuracy of the device. The maximum percentage deviation from the average-Factor, K.

The linearity of these turbine flowmeters is stated as a percent of reading. Most other metering devices state linearity as a percent of full scale, which implies a de-rated accuracy.

Each turbine flowmeter is individually calibrated, and the resulting performance characteristics are presented in a computerized tabular format. The repeatability of a turbine flowmeter measures the stability of the output under a given set of flow conditions. The repeatability is defined as the allowable percentage deviation from the stated K-Factor at that flow rate.

The repeatability is many times smaller than the linearity error, inferring a much greater accuracy if the known flow rate dependency of the K-Factor is eliminated by using an external linearizing device. The turbine flowmeter is an intrusive flow measurement device, and therefore the pressure drop characteristic is an important consideration.

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