Pre-Sampling to record &/or accept or reject load Single or multi bay facilities

The Aysix logger products; septage receiving, weight station, and bulk water dispensing all share standardized software and associated data management services for streamlined operation. Single and multiple stations can be controlled by a central control station, which can be accessed via users computers or even via the web, depending on how set-up options are configured. All systems are out of the box fully featured, even the simple cost effective systems are designed for a versatile solution that can grow with modular hardware options at anytime.

Whether receiving or exporting liquid waste water, cake sludge for treatment or dispensing bulk water, the solutions provide invaluable data for audit trail compliance, asset management and efficiency monitoring as well providing reliable and robust solutions for control of the discharge / reception process. With over a thousand units sold worldwide, we have a fully capable, customizable and robust proven systems. Our systems are fully customizable to suit your needs, and will also grow if your needs change to a more capable system at any time. We can integrate easily into your existing infrastructure, no matter how it is structured.

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  • Single or Multi-Bay Facilities with or without Gatehouse & Traffic Light monitoring
  • Pre-Sampling to record &/or accept or reject load
  • pH Monitoring to record &/or accept or reject load
  • Monitor Sludge Percentage & choose Tiered Billing dependent on amount of Sludge
  • Track both Septage Import and Export
  • Fully Automated Billing with Pre-Paid credit options
  • Query based reporting with filter features
  • Remote Monitoring & Audit
  • Manage User Access & Control
  • Sludge Cake Weigh Scale monitoring
  • Potable Water Tanker Filling Stations
  • Bulk Liquid Storage Tank Farms
  • Unlimited Remote Users
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