Integrated Ruggedized Pressure Transducer Combination variable reluctance pressure transducer & miniature carrier demodulator

Validyne P24 Differential Pressure Transducer is the combination of a variable reluctance pressure transducer and a miniature carrier demodulator integrated into a single package to provide for operation from mobile dc power and deliver a standardized dc output suitable for recording or telemetry.

P24 Absolute Pressure Transducer provides a sealed absolute reference cavity in the variable reluctance pressure transducer integrated into a single package with the miniature carrier demodulator. Electrically the P24 is a true four terminal device, the two output terminals being completely isolated from the two power input terminals. In addition, neither input common or output common are connected to case ground.

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  • Ranges from as low as ± 0.08 psi FS to ± 3200 psi FS
  • Differential or absolute versions
  • Extremely rugged construction
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