Loop Powered Indicator for all 4 to 20mA Sensors Digital Field Process Indicators

UNICONT series is the universally scalable process value indicator of NIVELCO for current loops, most of them without the need for power supply.

The UNICONT PDF- units are digital, field process indicators with 6 digit LCD display as well as transmitters, converting analogue current to HART signal. They are suitable for the use in hazardous areas in their ATEX certified EEx ia and EEx d versions. Models with HART converter require power supply.

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Product properties

  • Loop-operated
  • Operation without external power supply in 2-wire type
  • Field display for transmitters
  • Scalable display
  • 20 mm digit height
  • 4…20 mA to HART® converter version
  • Heavy-duty field mountable housing
  • Aluminum, stainless steel or plastic housing
  • Ex flameproof input variants available


  • Universal field indicator for any transmitters
  • Selectable physical parameter set
  • Display of process values supplied by any transmitter
  • If used as a HART® converter, powers 2-wire transmitters
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