Remote Inventory Management Inventory solution for hog, poultry, or cattle operations

BinMaster –  FeedView® feed management solution combines wireless, battery-powered laser level sensors with a cloud-based, simple-to-use software application. Developed as a Software as a Service for hog, poultry, or cattle operations. Growers, feeders, and finishers conveyed their specific needs for monitoring feed storage, consumption, and delivery along with the reporting needed to make their job easier. Feed mills chimed in, too! The result: FeedView® is affordable and completely scalable for a single barn to national producers. Managing FeedView® starts with identifying farms, barns, feed groups, and feed rations. FeedView® users are set up for administrative or viewer roles for secure control over the system. Each user can customize their view with the columns of information they need. Feed mills or corporate headquarters can be given access to data as desired. This can eliminate spreadsheets, emails, and phone calls regarding inventory or delivery status.

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Track Feed Groups

Put livestock into feed groups based on the feed bins supplying each barn and track them as a group throughout their processing cycle. Using the feed group’s status and average daily feed intake (ADFI) information, the feed group’s consumption rate is predicted and used to calculate when bins will run out of feed. You can update a feed group’s status to account for headcount changes due to death losses or when animals are sent to market.

Manage feed rations

Create new rations or feed formulations, assign them to specific feed bins, and track whether that ration was medicated (including VFD numbers and expiration dates). The rations dashboard shows which rations are assigned to which bins. Historical records show you when specific rations and medications were used and which bins they were assigned to.

Monitor single bins or see data in tandem

FeedView® easily adapts for monitoring a single feed bin tied to a barn, or two or more silos feeding a barn in tandem. You have the option of automatically combining the feed volume from two bins if you routinely supply a barn feed from two or more bins. Set up FeedView so you get alerted when the last bin supplying the barn is almost empty.

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