Ambient Air using DOAS Ambient - Fence line - Street - Tunnel

The OPSIS DOAS system provides the user with a fast system that gives high availability at low cost.

OPSIS AQM systems measure multiple gases in real time over an open path. Using the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) technique, the system is non-contact, with fast response.

One system can be configured to monitor NO, NO2, SO2, O3, BTX, NH3, CO, CO2, HF, H2O, CH4, Hg, HCl, among other gaseous compounds. A basic system includes an analyser, an emitter/receiver set, and an optical fibre cable.

  • Ambient Air Quality
  • Airport Air Quality
  • Benzene Fence Line Monitoring
  • Fence Line Monitoring
  • Remote Sensing of Ship Emissions
  • Street Level
  • Tunnel monitoring
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  • multiple gas monitoring capability
  • Operates with minimum maintenance
  • High-performance monitoring of criteria pollutants
  • Easily calibrated
  • Total monitoring solution
  • International Approvals
  • High-performance, no sample required cross-stack monitoring

  • Total Air Quality Management Solution for Industries
  • Automatic data acquisition, validation and reporting with Enviman Software.
  • Datalogging
  • Forecasting
  • Geographic Information System modules
  • Data validation and reporting
  • Multi-gas and multi-path system cross-stack monitoring
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